Alternate Media - Crafton Hills College-九州体育平台入口
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In keeping with the policy that all persons shall have equal access to educational materials, facilities, programs, admissions, and activities, Crafton Hills College makes every effort to provide material in alternate formats for students with disabilities. After meeting with a LD Specialist to determine eligibility for services, alternate media may be approved for students with a verified print disability.

Major Types of Alternate Media

  • Electronic Text (e-text) such as Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF files, which can be accessed on a computer with screen reading or screen magnification software.  E-text can be easily stored, can be searched and indexed, and can be converted to large print or braille.
  • Braille is a system of reading and writing which is used by blind and visually impaired individuals. Crafton Hills College is equipped to provide braille material for students through the use of braille translation software and a specialized braille printer.  Requests should be made far in advance of need, because it takes a considerable amount of time to produce documents such as textbooks.
  • Tactile Diagrams are printed on special heat-sensitive paper to produce raised lines and images accessible to individuals who are blind.

Please visit your SAS counselor to make sure you are eligible for Alternative Media requests.

Once you receive approval, you may submit an online Alternative Media Form by clicking below:


Note: You will need to have your Book(s)13 digit ISBN # and Title'Edition # and a picture file showing  proof of purchase or rental, to upload.

For technical questions or making media requests after obtaining your SAS counselor's approval, reach out to CHC's Alternative Media & Assistive Technology specialist, Suzanne Delahanty.

